Free Open Source Tools for Human Rights Investigators

Right here on this website - User friendly, secure, free tools to help human rights investigators in conducting open source investigations. The system runs using virtual machines that are deleted after every use for maximum security.

Funded by the Research Wales Innovation Fund, the OSR4Rights Tools Hub developed from OSR4Rights, a collaboration between Swansea University, University of Manchester, Heriot Watt University, University of Essex and University of California Berkeley in collaboration with Amnesty International, which was funded by the UK's Economic and Social Research Council from 2018-2021.

Try Auto-archiver is the new dedicated home of this highly successful archiver. As OSR4Rights funding runs out in 2023, we are seeking to ensure continued operation of the archiver by offering it as a commercial service.

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A tool for automatically archiving web page links and saving the images and videos

Currently used monitoring human rights situations in Ukraine, Myanmar and Afghanistan

over 300,000 links and over 7TB of video and images archived since Feb 2022

Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Telegram, TikTok and are all supported. Here is a sample:


A tool that can be used to monitor real-time fire data within set geographical parameters, incorporating NASA's Fire Information for Resource Management System (FIRMS) with a user-friendly map interface

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Try HateSpeech Detection

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We define "hate speech" as text that contains hateful, offensive and toxic language.

We will produce a score (between 0 and 100) indicative of the extent of hate speech contained in the input text.

Languages currently supported by this tool are English, Arabic and Russian

eg hate trailer trash

Try FaceSearch Detection

Looks for a target face which you give as an image, in many other images.

This is designed as a first pass to help human rights investigators - let this tool process many images and narrow down the most likely ones for investigators to look at

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Try SpeechParts

Upload a Video or Audio file and to find only the sections with English speech. We then give you back only those sections as a WAV file. For example CCTV footage looking for only the sections with talking.

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Do you want a Demo?

Please get in touch and we can do an online demo of the tools.

Watch the video above and Try Demos!

Try the demos on this page. Then register so you can try with your own images and text.

Try for free

RightsCon 2022!

RightsCon is the world’s leading summit on human rights in the digital age. The 11th edition of RightsCon took place from Monday, June 6 to Friday, June 10, 2022 online and across all timezones. We presented our tools, had good questions, and met some inspiring people virtually

Thank You

To our collaborators, sponsors and technology providers